Black Friday Orders | Shipping Update



  • I made an order of Fanatec Bundle before Black Friday on November 17th, on November 28th I have recieved an email with Invoice about my Parcel was shipped but I did not recieved any Tracknummber from UPS, its already a week passed that I am sitting at home waiting when the parcel comes to me and do not miss the UPS, in my account shows Shipped completely but I did not recieved anything. The guys who made an order even early on November 25th they already reseved their items.

    Order number


  • wang pingwang ping Member
    edited December 2023

  • Yeah, it's nice to see some responses!

    I am another customer getting quite desperate..

    Ordered on 27th October

    CS DD, McLaren steering wheel and Qr2 but no movement since 10th November when it was changed to 'completely shipped.'

    I understand many others will be in a similar situation but any update appreciated

  • I think most of us can and are trying to be patient, it's just that the blanket-statements made and the lack of other more direct forms of communication is shambolic.

    On top of that, UPS is a terrible courier-service in and of itself; at least from my experience, at least in the Republic of Ireland (although in all fairness, Ireland is behind the rest of the world when it comes to infrastructure and services in a number of ways).

    UPS is not great when it comes to providing clear updates/information either (again, at least not their Irish branch). For 2 deliveries from them (for Fanatec gear) I got a mail/update saying it'd be on my doorstep on day x, and in both cases it arrived 1 and 2 days late respectively.

    The fact of the matter is, BF is a big deal, especially considering this was the first time they've done a full week of them, all parties involved (including us customers) should've been prepared for delays, either to anticipate them, or on the Fanatec/courier side of things, to avoid them altogether. Not being able to cope with that is a direct result of poor planning and failure to optimise processes that have been known to be lacking for at least a year now. A year is plenty of time to come up with a decent solution, if that's not the case, well obviously customers are going to get weary, especially when they see a ton of people complaining about it online, some of them having placed orders months ago which still haven't been fulfilled. And using the covid or Ukraine (in the case of UPS) excuses is only going to work for so long.

    As stated before, this could've been avoided in 2 ways; improve processes (as in, don't try to do the same or double the amount of work with less employees), and provide better communication, DIRECTLY to customers, not just/only via public post that covers most scenarios.

  • Order 1788042 picked up by UPS 22/11/23, has now been lost by UPS, i filed a claim, they have updated to say a claim has been issued to sender, cant get through to customer support to sort out re ship of order, can you help? A complimentary pedal upgrade kit in re ship wouldnt go a miss for inconvenience and stress caused

  • Dear Fanatec Support Team,

    aswell first time customer and quite concerned eventhough I noticed all the trouble you seem to have. My order 1829869 is marked as 'fully shipped' since more than ten days but it doesn't show any tracking number yet. Could you please check this again and provide the tracking number?

    thanks in advance

  • Hey, still no reply of my Mail. I Ordered a Formula V2.5x and an CSL DD with the pedals. THIS IS A LOT OF MONEY! My order number is 1840019 How long do we have to wait? I only want some dates. Quick Note: This damages your company a lot. So many people are upset!!

  • guys.... dont post your order Numbers here...

    Anyone can take you rnumber, write an e-mail to support and cancel your order!

  • I hope you guys get on top of this, my order was declared completely shipped of course I took into account the email provided that it means that it's ready to ship and the 10 day delay, but today is 10 days since it was processed and payed for and it's slightly concerning, I hope you guys can figure it out as a company as products are very good but your customer support is atrocious

  • Hello.

    I‘m a new customer to Fanatec with no gear to play with as long as my order, placed on BF 1:30pm, is not arriving…

    I know I have to be patient and it is hard to be, but all of us are spoilt by the insane fast delivery rates of large online sellers like Amazon and others.

    To be clear… I‘m annoyed of reading through a Forum to learn, how a company is destroying their reputation.

    I know from my own experience how hard it is to work on a Black Friday as a retailer!

    But the most annoying for me is to see the forum administrator reacting days after the initial complaint.

    How could the CEO of Fanatec allow such a distiguished strategy of „not reacting to customers“? Are the customers not the most appreciated good of a Company? What does Fanatec sell besides sim Racing stuff?

    Especially in a time were social media could ruin a company or its reputation on the market…

    so please heads of Fanatec, hear your customers and reply with a daily report of open and processed orders.

    It is nothing more than transparency to your customers.


    a first time customer

  • …I can‘t say it too often…

    Show up in the Blog/Forum and let your customers feel the pain in your body of packing hundreds of articles througout the day. Let them know how many parcels have been packed, how many orders are ready to be shipped or already handed over to UPS.

    All complaints are still asking for transparency. Include the customer to make them fans of your staff, show us customers your hard work on a daily report.

    Not reacting and hiding behind a wall of silence will not help. The complaints will not stop.

  • Hi, I placed two orders from you,orden number 1856613 + orden number 1851788 but I need the tracking number, I have to go to the hospital this week and I won't be at home, please give me the tracking numbers, I'm at the hospital on Monday 5th December for important tests, and I'll have to go in another hospital on Tuesday 12 December, I'm very anxious about the tests in the hospital, please don't make me anxious about this too. Have a nice day Antonella Frau

  • @james you block my quote button, but I reply to you this way:

    Why should anybody send you a direct message when you didn’t answer to them? I’m waiting a week now for a reply…

  • @James I Ordered my order of 7 items on the 24th and the QR1 Lites were in stock than are they what are delaying my order now? I had 3 extras Because ive heard alot of them breaking

  • I've contacted the Web shop support Email but no response.

  • Fanatech, has most of your staff all been at the GT World Series or something???

    Patrick, I honestly don’t think anybody is on the receiving end of those emails any time soon to actually cancel the order anyway lol, but very good point

  • Sure. if i cancel all the order here with tracking Numbers posted here, My order gets delivered faster :D

  • Ok Patrick I am now fully on your side haha

  • edited December 2023

    i ordered Friday the 24th and i'm still waiting on a tracking number i've ordered stuff from China and i get a tracking order faster then a U.S company.

  • Well, I feel a bit better that my order is actually still just "In Process" when it shows "Completely Shipped" and no tracking has been provided, but...


    Showing "Completely Shipped" as a status when the order has not shipped is extremely misleading and highly frustrating & confusing to your customers for absolutely NO BENEFIT TO ANYONE. Show "In Process" or "Preparing for Shipment" or something that is NOT BLANTANTLY MISLEADING. Some people will care and complain about delays, but you'll have fewer people worried you've lost their shipments.

    Furthermore, you absolutely should give your customers the options to "Ship Incomplete" - You don't even pay for the shipping, have items packaged in individual shipping boxes, and have constantly-changing inventories, so why do you not simply ship items as they become available. Keep the cash-flow better, inventories lower, and customers more satisfied...

  • Eli JacobsonEli Jacobson Member
    edited December 2023

    Hey Everyone!

    I'm very exited to be waiting on my first hardware to get into sim racing. I understand the BF and CM sales throw everything into chaos, so I'm still prepared to remain patient for a while.

    What I would like to ask is this, can someone who has received their order, please explain the actual progression of order processing. My order was placed just after midnight central US time and is 1859xxx. My order showed the green square with the Completely shipped note for order status within maybe a day of placing the order. When I view the order it shows statuses for every individual item, those all still show open, at what time if ever does that change? I also found that if I look in my account under my products all of the items, I ordered in this order show up, but still say "please add the serial number first" next to them. Is this a field that will populate with the actual serial numbers some time shortly before actually shipping out? Or will I just have to add it manually once the order is delivered? Lastly, in relation to all the steps mentioned above, when should I actually expect to find our my actuall tracking numbers. My order states the shipping type is FedEx Ground, and I have an account with them, but I see no shipments showing up there yet, and there are no tracking numbers shown on my account page online.

    Again, I acknowledge that my order has not reached the 10 days after going "completely shipped" and even if it takes a bit more, I can be patient, but I think it would be helpful for everyone to know what the actual progression is, so we know what to look out for, and what it actually means in relation to the arrival of our sweet new sim racing gear!

    Lastly, while I agree we should not share our complete order numbers, if people would be willing to post their date ordered, order number in ####XXX format for anonymity, and maybe the day you received your tracking info, then the day you received your package, it would be really helpful for us all to get a feel for where Fanatec is in fulfilling orders. Please also include your country or region, since it seems that makes a big difference too.


    Order# 1859xxx

    Ordered: 11/28

    Wheel, base, pedals, loadcell kit

    Status: Completely Shipped

    Received Tracking #: (DATE)

    Received Shipment: (DATE)

  • edited December 2023

    ^ I have an order in the 1855 range, ordered from the US site on the 27th, everything in stock at the time (Porsche 911 GT3 Cup wheel, Podium button module Endurance, Clubsport V2 hub for Xbox, button caps). Went to green “completely shipped” within the day. Still no tracking info up to now. Have two more orders with red boxes “in progress” ordered on the 24th, 1829 and 1832 range.

  • Order# 1838xxx

    Ordered: 11/24

    GT DD Pro Wheel Base 8nm, CSL Pedals, ClubSport Steering Wheel Formula V2.5 X QR1, Button Caps and Sticker Set

    Status: 🟩 Completely Shipped

    Shipping Type: UPS Standard

    Country: Spain

    Received Tracking: ---

    Received Shipment: ---

  • edited December 2023

    Hello Fanatec,

    I'm in US and placed an order on Nov 26th, how long until you will get to our orders? Can you provide us a daily update? Why don't you partner with Amazon? You will have happy customers and double your sales. You choose this way and many customers are unhappy and will never order from you again.

  • Have one order with 1804 ordered at 20th of November, it was all on stock and still be in progress, while so much other customers which ordered much later received theirs already.

    my other order is at the 1828 range and still be in red boxed „in progress“ mode.

    you can’t get any logical connection into this because Fanatec lies about the „first in first out“ mechanic. They set orders on hold, they change available articles into pre-order status right after the payment and didn’t give any information about their progress to the customers, so that nobody can see how far they are. So you can wait for months with nothing happened, no responses but your money (3k in my case) ist actually gone.

  • Same boat as you, money taken by Fanatec, what we get is red box in progress orders forever in our accounts.

  • Ordinato il 20 ottobre e ancora nessuna informazione di tracciabilità ordine n. 1772058

    Ordered on October 20th and still no tracking information on order #. 1772058

  • You can see it here, there is no first in first out system there. Still one in progress and still one with red box. Nobody tells you anything and you get no response from anybody. But so much other guys get a response with direct messages which ordered so much later at the 188… range and receive their items. It seems not to be fair at this moment which is very frustrating to see every day.

  • For me it still looks like the last days...

    Datum 24.11.2023 13:29:00

    Bestellnummer 1827xxx

    Versandart UPS Express Saver

    Bestellstatus  Komplett versendet

    Nothing changed...


    (maybe not so relevant for Fanatec bec. they give nothing to their customers...)

    I was asked by a good friend if I could suggest him a good racing wheel and probably a Fanatec set.

    Told him, that I´m still waiting for the BF order to deliver and I can´t suggest anything as I did not had my hands on it yet.

    So I can´t tell whether it is a good device or not. What I was suggesting was to either think twice to place an order right now or choose another vendor.

    Even Moza is telling that it could take up to 14 business days to deliver, depending on your location. Anyways, I´m still pissed of the lack of communication. The Twitter person on Fanatec is posting stuff like hell from some GT events...

    Nice... but why would you do this in a time like this were every hand is needed to get the stuff done...

    The reason is simple...

    They don´t mind.

    I hope that, whenever the order gets delivered, I can forget the frustration and can enjoy the sim racing stuff.

  • I´m wondering about the QR1 Lite Wheel side, which is part of most of the Ready to Race bundles but is no longer listed in the shop.

    At least I was not able to find one... If I put a R2R bundle to the basket, I can pick one of the qr1 lite...

    Just the qr1 is listed and currently out of stock.

    Maybe this could explain why so many orders are not being processed at all. They don´t have them on stock anymore and even an upgrade to the QR1 is not possible as it is out of stock...

    I don´t want to spread rumors, but it´s suspicious...

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