Fanatec Beta Driver (324) 326 for ClubSport Steering Wheel F1® 2018 and Formula V2

Marcel PfisterMarcel Pfister Member, Administrator
**outdated** (check bottom of this post)
Fanatec_32_driver_324 (dual-signed)
Fanatec_64_driver_324 (dual-signed)

DATE    : 12/20/2018

Known Issues: 
- Does not work with McLaren GT3 Steering Wheel
- Mouse emulation a bit buggy

We suggest to only install this driver when you want to use the Formula V2 Steering Wheel or if you want to give us feedback.

- Bug fixed off centre of analog Joystick x axis in PS4 mode
- Bug fixed that FEI is not updating when switching through settings
- Bug fixed that prevented powering up the X-Box from full shut down.
- Bug fixed wrong message shown when identical firmware is installed again.
- Bug fixed reminder text missing in driver (update tab) that new wheel base, motor and rim firmware is/are available
- Bug fixed FFB issue where DICondition effects fails after creating more than 15 effects.
- Bug fixed manual pedal calibration cannot be deactivated in Control Panel Setting of 
- Bug fixed false indication of rotary encoder when using RUHX.
- Bug fixed joystick axes active when Mode C of RMcL wasn't selected
- Changed Joystick from left to right in PS4 mode
- Added new Tuning menu entry MPS_FNC
only available when a rim with Multi-position-switches is connected (RFOM v2, RMcL)
4 different options:
     - Auto: The 3 other modes are controllable by he game
     - Encoder: Turning the MPS will result in a short signal, indication if the switch was turned left or right. (not possible with RMcL)
     - Constant: The position is sent in every message 
     - Pulse: The position is sent as a short signal, when it changes
Readjusted PS4 button mapping for RMcL
- Adjusted FFB Strength on Xbox One to avoid shut downs.
- Improved menu center spring on Xbox One
- Now different pictures for Clubsport Formula Carbon and Clubsport Formula 1 can be selected by the user.
- Raw inputs for buttons and axes are now shown at the bottom of the driver window.
- Steering Wheel LEDs Test now includes white status LED and FlagLEDs (only white at the moment). For the Formula V2
- Updated UI for showing which MPS function (ENC, CONST, PULSE) is currently active on the Formula V2
- Firmwares included:
- CSW V1 Base : CSW_Base_V585_rev1452_app (NEW)
   - CSW V2 Base : CSW_V2_Base_V586_rev1452_app (NEW)
   - CSW V2.5 Base : CSW_V2_5_Base_V587_rev1452_app (NEW)
   - CSL E Base : CSL_E_Base_V588_rev1452_app (NEW)
   - CSL E Base PS4 : CSL_E_PS4_Base_V589_rev1452_app (NEW)
   - RFORMV2 : RFORMv2_V19_rev63 (NEW)

UPDATE: Driver V326 incl. FW V21 for F1 2018 available
(this driver is still primarily for F1 2018 owners but feel free to use it with other wheels as well for testing purpose. feedback is appreciated) Please use the FW V28 attached to update your McLaren manually!

Fixed Issues: 
ClubSport Steering Wheel F1® 2018 -> FW v21: "Lost inputs of shifter and buttons" issue should be resolved

Other Changes:
CSL E WB Drift Mode corrected
CSL E RW PS4 / CSL E WB+ / CSW V2.5: Modified drift mode - experimental.

Known Issues:
- You have to use FW V30 attached to this post for the McLaren Wheel
- CSL Bases loose center position - Fix is WIP
F1 2018 Steering Wheel: Issues in MPS (multi position switch) pulse mode
-> Missed input at times. Will be fixed in next FW. Pulse will be longer.
-> Driver shows double-steps for the encoder. This is a visual glitch only and will be resolved in the next driver version

Firmware Update V30 for McLaren GT3 owners (fw not yet included in driver 326)

Attached to this post you can find the new Steering Wheel Firmware V30 for the McLaren GT3

- Fixed freeze on boot up
- Fixed button detection issue

  1. You have to have driver 326 installed and the newest firmware for your Wheel Base
  2. Open the driver UI and go to the "Update" tab
  3. Choose "Update Steering Wheel Firmware"
  4. Click on "Connect"
  5. Browse the file "RMcL_V30_rev38_app.hex"
  6.  Then "Flash Firmware"
  7. After your wheel base booted up again you can close the Firmware Updater
Please test this firmware and post your feedback here.

Please list Issue reports within this thread!

Thank you!


  • are download link intentionally not available ?.

  • Marcel PfisterMarcel Pfister Member, Administrator
    Sorry for the missing link, here it is.
  • This may sound like a silly question but I'll post it anyway. If I install this driver on the CSL Elite for PS4 wheelbase with PS4 wheel, can I change wheel/rims back and forth with no issues, or is this driver only compatible with the Formula V2 rim?

  • Is this beta also for Formula 2018 LE rim?
  • Is this beta also for Formula 2018 LE rim?
    yes as it is a Formula V2 rim.
  • This may sound like a silly question but I'll post it anyway. If I install this driver on the CSL Elite for PS4 wheelbase with PS4 wheel, can I change wheel/rims back and forth with no issues, or is this driver only compatible with the Formula V2 rim?

    Its compatible with every rim EXCEPT the McLaren Rim.
  • Sorry for the missing link, here it is.
    Yhank you , boss Chief :).
  • I assume the plan is to have a driver set that is compatible with all rims? I have the GT3 and the F1 2018 so now have an issue.
  • No issues with the new drivers for me yet  :-bd
  • so i just tried my McLaren GT3 wheel on the PS4 and it appeared to work fine with no apparent issues  (i updated to v324 for the F1 2018 - which is a class piece of hardware BTW) 
  • Stephen WayStephen Way Member
    edited December 2018
    I did mention this before with Driver v310, I have the same problem in Driver v311 (see picture) I have rolled back to Driver v292 and these switches work fine again...BTW: The hub I'm using is one of the first ones (NOT for Xbox) I have two hubs and three spare switch boxes that I have tested this with, I don't see anyone else has reported the same problem..Thanks :)


    Hello :)
    Updated to driver v324 wb firmware v587 CSWB 2.5...
    Surprised to still see the above problem, I tested again with driver v292 and all switches work fine, so the problem is not my end.
    Still using the old (Not xbox) hub....It's the middle b box/switch not working, swapped the middle for the third, so that i can have two b boxes
    on the left side.
  • Julian LipkeJulian Lipke Member
    edited December 2018
    Can somebody tell me what the different MPS functions mean?

    - Updated UI for showing which MPS function (ENC, CONST, PULSE) is currently active on the Formula V2

    Okay, nevermind I found the explanation in the change log.
  • Received my Limited edition F1 rim, found this driver, installed it and everything is working great except now my McLaren rim is a paperweight. Is this issue going to be resolved quickly? 
  • Works perfect in iRacing, rF2, AC and ACC. In RaceRoom these buttons are not supported: (36+37), (48+49), (34+35), 32, 33
  • seems ok here 2.5 base
  • We suggest to only install this driver when you want to use the Formula V2 Steering Wheel or if you want to give us feedback.

    Does this mean that if I have a P1 wheel and a V2.5 Base on Xbox One that I should NOT load this 324 Driver???
  • I have the CSL Elite wheel and base and it works fine. The only rim which does not work is the McLaren rim.

  • Working much better for me on 2.5 P1 and xbox than 311 did.
  • We suggest to only install this driver when you want to use the Formula V2 Steering Wheel or if you want to give us feedback.

    Does this mean that if I have a P1 wheel and a V2.5 Base on Xbox One that I should NOT load this 324 Driver???
    Wait for new drivers. quote: We are working on a new major release (NOT the upcoming driver package which will be released ONLY for the Formula V2) which will bring several new firmwares to bring optimizations across multiple products. We're still working on this release and hope we can publish it early January. 
  • Will the next firmware fix the double shift issue of the Gormula V2??
  • yes i' am having the double shift issue also. i also have a glitch when in contact with a kerb my wheel returns off centre but then corrects it self after i take the next corner this glitch is also present in v311 v312  v314 and now v324 i have no issue with the glitch with v293 so clearly a firmware issue 

  • edited January 2019
    yes i' am having the double shift issue also. i also have a glitch when in contact with a kerb my wheel returns off centre but then corrects it self after i take the next corner this glitch is also present in v311 v312  v314 and now v324 i have no issue with the glitch with v293 so clearly a firmware issue 

    Just to know are you using csl elite wheelbase? if so this could be an issue with the base itself, I advice you to contact technical support.
    I had similar  issue and needed to RMA the base.
  • yes i' am having the double shift issue also. i also have a glitch when in contact with a kerb my wheel returns off centre but then corrects it self after i take the next corner this glitch is also present in v311 v312  v314 and now v324 i have no issue with the glitch with v293 so clearly a firmware issue 

    Just to know are you using csl elite wheelbase? if so this could be an issue with the base itself, I advice you to contact technical support.
    I had similar  issue and needed to RMA the base.
    It is a firmware issue, I contacted Fanatec and they said it was a firmware issue
  • edited January 2019
    It is a firmware issue, I contacted Fanatec and they said it was a firmware issue
    My case was different (red flashing light starting base and various major centering issues) sensor replacement required.
  • defo a firmware issue as my friends have same issue there no issue with firmware v293
  • so basically my v2 rim is totally unusable until fanatec resolve these issues typical 
  • so basically my v2 rim is totally unusable until fanatec resolve these issues typical 
    Yeah, as a league racer, I hope they sort it out quickly.
  • I'm also having the double shift issue. I thought it was my wheel.
  • Armin HabermannArmin Habermann Member, Administrator
    I'm also having the double shift issue. I thought it was my wheel.
    Sorry guys, we are working on it with our highest effort. Be assured that it is a FW issue. We can reproduce the issue with units that are already verified to be perfect in terms of hardware functionality. 
  • I too am having the double shift/button disconnects. I am on the V324 driver and surprisenly my Macca rim works just fine with it, but the issue seems to be getting worse with my 2018 Limited rim.
This discussion has been closed.